Tag Archives: hillary

Where’s Hillary? Can You Find Her?

Where’s Hillary?

Where's Hillary
Where’s Hillary? Come out come out wherever you are.

Hey what happen to you Hillary? Come on you have to talk with the people some time. What are you afraid of?

I guess the scandals with your emails, testimonies and pretty much your whole career is making you lie low. You can’t incriminate yourself if you don’t say anything. Is that the reason?

But let’s not kid ourselves. She still seems to be leading in the polls. Do you think she is going to win even if we can’t find her?

Do you know where she is? Look at the picture above and see if you can spot her. If you do then You Win! If you win then please share this with your friends and let’s see if they can find her.

Let’s sing together. “Where oh where has Hillary gone? Where oh where could she be?”


Will Hillary win?
Do you think that Hillary will win? Let us know.