Category Archives: Health

Garcinia Cambogia. What Does Dr. Oz Say?

Garcinia Cambogia Warning.

Garcinia Cambogia. Warning What Does Dr. Oz Say?
Garcinia Cambogia. Warning What Does Dr. Oz Say?

I’m wondering if the worst thing to happen to an Indonesian plant called garcinia cambogia was to be featured on Dr. Oz.
Why do I say that? Anyone in the health supplements industry will tell you that the bandwagon jumpers go nuts when America’s favorite celeb doctor declares something is safe, sexy and will make your life so much better. Garcinia cambogia is among them – a natural weight loss supplement that helps people slim down without dieting or diet pills.

Garcinia Cambogia

I was watching one of Dr. Oz’s videos on his website where he had  multiple products tested including those containing garcinia cambogia. There is nothing wrong with garcinia cambogia but some companies selling products containing garcinia cambogia did not have 60% of HCA  and in some cases as low a 8.5%! This made Dr. Oz very upset. He cares about his viewers and this is not right. So I looked around for a product that would “Pass The Test” and help people shed the pounds. Below is what I found.

NOTE: Pay close attention to the “HCA” percentage. This is most  important.


Review of HCA Fit

Rated: Excellent

Fortunately, HCA Fit gets it right. There’s no ‘garcinia cambogia’ in the name, no fillers or artificial ingredients and it comes with 60% hydroxycitric acid, or HCA. This is all good news for you, because it means you WILL lose weight without harsh dieting and maybe even look a little hot for your efforts.

Product Information

HCA Fit is a garcinia cambogia natural weight loss supplement. Yawn, there are plenty of those right? Yes, but this one comes from Leading Edge Health – a leader among natural health supplements for over a decade because of the high quality of its products.

HCA Fit is their garcinia weight loss supplement, and Leading Edge has wisely distanced itself from the garcinia craze, instead putting together a product carefully researched, developed and crafted to help you do one thing: slim down.

Other garcinia products might help with that, but none as well as HCA Fit. I’ve used the product and lost weight. The customers I spoke with lost weight. Everyone seems to be losing weight and suddenly look fit and sexy when they use HCA Fit. I’m sold on that. Frankly, you will be too.

What I Like About HCA Fit

I lost weight with HCA Fit and I didn’t have to adjust my diet. The pounds just came off – about 4lbs by my count in the first month. I’m a complete 11lbs lighter now than I was when I first started using the product five months ago.

More things you should know about HCA Fit. I like that it:

  • Helped Me Lose Weight Without Dieting
  • Boosted Serotonin (I Felt Better)
  • Helped Me Look and Feel Attractive
  • Had No Side Effects

You should be skeptical of the promises made on the product’s website. I know I was for a week or two after I started using the product. But yes, the weight really did come off, and I was pleasantly surprised by how lean and attractive my face looked with HCA Fit after about a month.

What I Don’t Like About HCA Fit

I’m generally very happy with the product, but it has a few shortcomings.

  • You Can Only Buy it Online
  • The Name Is a Little Confusing

When I say it’s confusing, I mean that most people looking to jump on the Dr Oz garcinia bandwagon might not realize that HCA Fit is a garcinia supplement. Their loss, your gain. The product is named for hydroxycitric acid – the compound in garcinia that inhibits conversion of carbohydrates to fat and increases serotonin.

That’s what reduces binge eating and cravings for comfort food.

The Company

Leading Edge Health makes and sells high quality health supplement online. They’re fairly exclusive, coming with an exceptionally loyal client base that likes the reassurance of the Leading Edge label. The company guarantees its products and offers live (and discreet) customer service 7 days a week. No recordings here – you get the best treatment when you buy a Leading Edge product.

HCA Fit is no exception.


The company gives you 60 days to try HCA Fit and return the product if you don’t like it. From the customers I’ve spoken with, very few people return HCA Fit because they like it so much.

Final Thoughts

I love HCA Fit. The product helped me lose weight without major changes to diet or exercise. I like that it has 60% HCA – that’s important because it maximizes weight loss – and easily blended into my daily routine. You didn’t have to take diet pills or fast. Also I bought HCA Fit because of its reputation as a product that works. I’m grateful to say that it does just that.

Click Here Now and visit HCA Fit For More Exciting Information On It, Garcinia Cambogia, And Easy Weight Loss without dieting or diet pills.

Cure Diabetes? Simple Easy Changes.

Cure Diabetes? Live your life, enjoy your live.
Live your life, Enjoy your life. Put diabetes behind you.

Cure Diabetes? The following article covers what is most commonly taught but is it completely true? You can manage or you can LIVE.

Read it and then look at my Review on Glucocil below…

Cure Diabetes?

Even though you can’t cure diabetes, diabetes can be treated and controlled. To manage diabetes effectively, you need to do the following:

Manage your blood sugar levels. It’s important to know what to do to help keep your blood sugar levels as near to normal as possible every day.  Check your glucose levels frequently. Take your diabetes medicine regularly and balance your food intake with medication, exercise, stress management, and good sleep habits. You know, early to bed and early to rise. 

Plan what you eat at each meal. Stick to your diabetes eating plan as often as possible. You can mix it up of course and be creative. Just use the right ingredients. 

Bring healthy snacks with you. You’ll be less likely to snack on empty calories.

Exercise regularly. Exercise helps you keep you fit, burns calories, and helps normalize your blood glucose levels.

Keep up with your medical appointments. That includes your doctor, diabetes educator, ophthalmologist, dentist, podiatrist, and other health care professionals.

Supplements don’t cure diabetes, either. Some natural supplements may interact dangerously with your diabetes medication. Others have been shown to help improve your diabetes, but always check with your doctor before taking any supplement.

Be skeptical about claims of a diabetes cure. A genuine cure will have been tested repeatedly in clinical trials with clear success.

There are supplements and Supplements. One that has stood the test of time is called GLUCOCIL. New information is changing lives. If diabetics wants their lives back then they should test Glucocil.

Also for a limited time you can get a free 15 day sample.  Cure diabetes? You know the answer to that but Glucocil can let you truly live your life the way you always wanted to.

Low T Can Kill? A Special Review

What Harm Can Low Testosterone Do?

Hi, I’m Martin.

Low Testosterone is an important subject to me. I’m 55 years old and I’m over weight as well (I’m working on that though lol).  I have found some ways to help. Some Supplements,  Some Natural Way and a Special Plan that really works..

I did a special eye opening review on the “31 Day Testosterone Plan” that you will find below this article. I hope the advice below will help you and your partner as it as helped me.

If you are under 55, even a young man and have been having any of these issues then it is even more imperative for you to get this information now to avoid a crisis looming in your near future.

Testosterone, What is it?

The hormone testosterone plays an important role in men’s health. It helps to maintain bone density, muscle mass and sex drive. Testosterone production is at its highest in a man’s early adulthood and drops a little bit each year thereafter.

What is hipogonadism? Hypogonadism is when the body doesn’t produce the right amount of testosterone. It is also called “Low T” . Men diagnosed with hypogonadism should follow their doctor’s advice but are there some things you can do to boost your testosterone?

Here are some simple and quick ways for boosting your testosterone, and some natural remedies may help as well.

#1 Get a Good Night’s Sleep
It doesn’t get any easier than getting a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep could greatly reduce a healthy man’s testosterone levels. Testosterone levels could be particularly low between 2 and 10 p.m. on sleep restricted days. You could also have a decreased sense of well being as your blood testosterone levels dropped.

There can be many factors but most adults generally need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night in order to function well and lead a active life.

#2 Lose That Excess Weight
Overweight, middle aged men with prediabetes (like myself) are also likely to have low testosterone levels. Warning: In a study from The Journal of Endocrinology, it showed how LowT and diabetes are closely linked. Men with normal weight have a lower chance of developing hypogonadism  as well as full blown diabetes.

There has been a lot of research which confirms that losing some weight can help boost your testosterone. These findings don’t mean you have to go on a crash diet. The best way to achieve and maintain healthy weight is through a sensible diet and regular exercise.

#3 Get Enough Zinc
If you have hypogonadism  you may have a zinc deficiency. Studies show that zinc may play an important part in regulating serum testosterone levels.

BEWARE: Some Healthy Foods Can Destroy Your Testosterone!
Eating foods that are rich in certain types of essential nutrients could help you boost your testosterone. Oysters have a lot of zinc; red meat and poultry do too. Other food sources of zinc include:

  • beans
  • whole grains
  • nuts
  • crab
  • lobster

You should should to get 11 mg of zinc each day!

#4 Cut down on the Sugar
The human body Requires a wide variety of minerals and vitamins for smooth operation.

The Endocrine Society reports that glucose or  -sugar- decreases testosterone levels in the blood and does so by as much as 25 percent! This can occur if you have prediabetes, diabetes, or normal tolerance for glucose.

#5 Good Old Fashioned Exercise
Total testosterone levels increases after exercising, especially after resistance training. Low testosterone levels can affect your sex drive and your mood. Luckily exercise helps your mood and  it also stimulates brain chemicals to help you feel more confident and happier. Exercise helps you to sleep better and will also boost your endurance.

My master trainer at LA Fitness recommends 30 minutes of exercise every day. Not at first but I have worked my way up to it. I promise you it will make you feel better. Trust me!

How Do You Know If You Have Low Testosterone?
Low testosterone levels may contribute to decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction (which isn’t funny at all), fragile bones, and other health issues. Having low testosterone levels may also be a sign of dangerous medical condition. Again SEE your doctor if you suspect you have low testosterone..

You And Your Partner
What you have just learned about low testosterone can be unsettling, but it’s not a true reflection of your virility or your “manhood”, but many men can feel like they are less of a man and it could hurt their egos.

It can be just as hard on their partner who may blame themselves if their partner fails to perform the way they think they should due to low testosterone.

Try the methods above and see if they help. They have helped me and I’m in a position to know. Many men have use Ageless Male (which is still the #1 testosterone booster used by men) and natural recipes that will help you with erectile dysfunction.

I hope this helps you and if you have something to add that could help others feel free to let me know. Also let me know if this article was helpful for you or someone you know. Feel free to share this message with everyone.

Before You Go Watch This Video:  CLICK HERE.
This Is “Andrew Hunts” TRUE Life Story and it is a Real Shocker.
 LowT Can Cause Death! Every Man Should Watch This Video. I guarantee you it will hit home.  

See my review below on his “31 Day Testosterone Plan”.

Erectile Dysfunction And Bodybuilding Workouts

The term erectile dysfunction refers to a recurring and persistent condition where a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection and complete sexual intercourse. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is a sign of a deeper, underlying problem and many doctors consider it one of the earliest signs of heart disease. There are several other causes for erectile dysfunction, including hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Drugs like Viagra and Cialis can correct some of the mechanical reasons for erectile dysfunction, but doctors will also suggest lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise, to help treat, and even cure erectile dysfunction. Micro nutrients such as amino acids are backed by a vast body of scientific research studies. They don’t just help curing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction but work also directly on the cause, which is poor blood circulation in the majority of cases (vascular erectile dysfunction). For this reason they are a more effective choice for treatment and have been used much more frequently in recent history for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

A further advantage of natural nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids and minerals is that they can also high dosages can be fully…

source: Click for more

How To Beat The Hay Fever Season

Allergies & Hay Fever. Don't you HATE it?
Allergies & Hay Fever. Don’t you HATE it?

Hay Fever strikes with virulence when the air is heavy with ragweed pollen at summer’s end. Here are some ways to evade the invisible pollen:

  • Sleep Late. Pollen is borne aloft by rising air currents in the morning.
  • Don’t exert yourself. The heavy breathing from exercise causes you to pump pollen into your system.
  • Beware of swimming pools. Pollen gather on the water’s surface where it is easily taken into a swimmer’s eyes and nose.


  • Wear protective goggles and nose plugs.
  • Mix a mild solution of salt water to dash in your nose several times each day during the hay fever season. It washes away collected pollen.
  • Two inhalant preventive drugs: Cromolyn sodium and beclomethasone. Relief for those who have hay fever comes from antihistamines.

This is nothing to Sneeze at.  🙂

This content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.